Thursday, October 10, 2019

Low IQ Republicans

Try pulling your head out of Trump's ass. Right or wrong, this move is completely consistent with everything he's said and done.


  1. He's the first true peace president in my lifetime. I love him.


  3. I think it's a mistake to think of Trump as a peace president. If you listen to his rhetoric, he has no qualms about attacking other countries or using our troops as mercenaries. His objection to our current forever wars is that we're not getting paid for it either in money or loot. For places like Afghanistan that motive gets our troops out of there, just not for the right reason. Trump ordered the drone strike killing Soleimani and then threatened massive retaliation if Iran attacked us. When Iran launched missiles at our troops, Trump's pals Hannity and Graham were calling for massive retaliation. Fortunately Trump backed down because no US troops were killed.

  4. I continue to consider him a peace president. As you mention, his response to Iran was perfectly measured. He talks tough, which is good, but is slow to attack, which is good. The perfect balance in my opinion, that we haven't seen since Reagan. The threat of massive retaliation is important to keeping the peace, if you believe we are the strong and the good. His foreign policy has been nearly perfect in my opinion. Kicking NATO in the pants to get their shit together, tough but fair to Russia, offering Kim Jung Un a different path (same for the Iranians), rejiggering all the shitty trade deals from the last few decades of incompetence.

  5. Since I'm pretty much isolated from the effects of Trump's foreign policies, I won't make the case that they're self-serving and short-sighted. The farmers, and factory workers, and soldiers can make that call in November.
