Thank you! I just reviewed this app and it is better than 5 stars.I also receive criticism, mostly through the reviews in the App Store. Sometimes it’s constructive.
I love this List app and i cant tell you how many other apps i have tried and deleted and waisted money on.
Your app does everything i wanted and more.
As a firefighter-medic and working in a hospital to home life.. This app has a list for everything I need.
Thank you again

Sometimes it's not.

And sometimes it's a little wacky.

But my favorite criticism is this email I received the other week.
This app is worthless....glad I did not pay anything for it. It well be deleted....What a maroon.
Clearly the free version of the app allowed you to determine that you didn't want to purchase the paid version, so it was of some worth to you as exhibited by your gladness. In return, I would prefer that you thank me for my consideration.
And what’s the point of sending me an email, but not leaving a bad review in the App Store to warn other people? If it was to convince me that you're a bit of a jerk, then mission accomplished, but I suppose the irony of your email is lost on you.
You are courageous and generous to put yourself out there... your apps I mean literally, and you figuratively.